First of all, let me start by defending myself and the fact that MOST pictures I post on 15 month old is NOT wearing pants! This does NOT happen often, he is usually fully-clothed, however I guess when its a camera opportunity, they are nowhere to be found??!
Justin's new trick is to push his chair up to the crib, and attempt to climb in, now Mommy knows when things get "too" quiet
(or big brother screams!!!),
Justin is climbing or up to NO GOOD!
LOL, too funny! Same thing happened to my son, it was too quiet and he had ran into kitchen to get his cup but I found him on top of the kitchen table!
Oh boy. I will have my hands full, more than they already are (is that possible?) when my little man is slightly older. He is almost walking as he hits 9 months this coming week. Thanks for warning me!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Climbers are HARD work, even more once they relise they can push somthing to get up higher.
Oh that is funny! I love that! Thankfully I did not have climbers... good thing this one's mama was a PE teacher! ;)
Hi Marissa~ So happy to e-meet you! :-) Your blog is ADORABLE! Love the pictures, love the stories, and your kids are entirely too cute! :-) (I also love the little taggy thing with your name on it at the end of your posts - how fun!)
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! You totally made my morning. If you're interested in the free button giveaways, I'm thinking I'll do one on Wednesday of next week - hint hint! :-) Have a great weekend!
LOL, that is too funny! My little man has a thing for stripping down to nothing lately. I thought it was cute and funny the first few times until he pooped on the floor LOL. So don't feel bad that your little guy doesn't like to wear pants =) At least he isn't naked LOL!
Hi Marissa..... thanks for stopping by my blog. You're blog is great... I'm glad to meet you and look forward to keeping up with what you've got goin' on. :) I'm your newest follower.
My boys never wear pants! They're older, so I've had to stop and make them put on pants before taking a picture! Your blog is great...I've been enjoying your posts. I found you on Mama's Little Nestwork, and I'm a new follower!
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