Oh My gosh, that's right Justin! I was SO excited.
Pulled 'em out, put them on and he was running around the house, SO PROUD of himself! Nothing had happened yet.
I asked Jacob to help me remember to keep asking him if he had to potty and so we did.
Over and over again, "Justin, do you have to potty?"
He'd sit on his potty, make some funny noises and get up!
Minutes later, I'm folding clothes...
I walk into our bedroom for less than a minute and Justin comes running in...
"Mommy, I pee pee!!!"
I start dancing around the bedroom, singing "Pee Pee in the POTTY" and twirling around like an idiot
I start to walk into the bathroom,
he INSTEAD, takes me to his room
and right there by his train table was the PEE PEE!
ahhh, guess we'll keep trying...