Wednesday, April 21, 2010

more berries and some new kicks!

yep, that's right...the McClellen's just can't get enough of the strawberry pickin' and fresh veggies and fruit! Do you see all these strawberries?? YUM! I had a tip from a blog friend to freeze some up and save them for later and that's just what we did! Now we'll have strawberries all year long-thanks for the tip!

Oh and we can't forget Jacob's new kicks (tennis shoes)! Is it just our little boy who's feet are growing WAY too quickly?! It's crazy, I swear this kid has grown about 3 sizes in less than a year! This is going to get expensive...but I just can't resist! Those that know me, know my obsession with Nike shoes -it might be on the verge of crazy??
But they are SO stinkin' cute on him, can you blame me?! and that's the best pic he'd let me take...oh Mr. Shy!

1 comment:

Mandee said...


We had a pair of Nikes just like those silver and white ones only they were in the infant section and they were so stinking cute on my little guy! I seriously didn't want to let them go when he grew out of them.